Big Green Week
28th June 2024
How can Iyengar Yogis protect our environment?
Reducing buying new clothing and equipment is not only the best way to reduce our impact on the planet, it also saves you money! Helen White and Angela Hulm welcome your ‘kit n clothes’ cleaning tips…..
How old is your mat?
"I'm still using my 'white' mat that I bought in the 1980s mail order from Wales".
How to look after your yoga mats:
Why fold your mat Pune style? If you fold your mat in half and in half again then the inside is kept clean for your clean hands & feet, the outside keeps any dirt from the floor and away from your hands & face.
Can I wash my yoga mat?
Wash 2 mats or 1 mat and a cotton blanket in the washing machine with just a drop of laundry liquid or few drops tea tree and lavender essential oils then Fast spin.
Yes they do need a couple of sunny days to dry out, but not only will they smell fresher, but will have enhanced grip.
Please share your yoga sustainability tips and photos:
Either click on the WhatsApp icon above or use this number: 07771 565 046 to chat to Angela and join an Iyengar Yoga sustainability chat. Our next post will focus on upcycling clothes for yoga, your photos are welcome.