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Mentoring Resources

All are welcome to share ideas to help support trainees, mentees and mentors in their learning.

The ideas in the Resource Bank are simply here to help and guide, it is not compulsory for anyone to complete any of them.

Please share your idea here and they will be added below.

Share an idea for a resource

Ask trainees to prepare a talk on ‘Yoga and Iyengar in a nutshell’

Name of contributor: Jenny-May While

The idea: This is a good way to encourage a trainee to practise talking to people confidently and precisely about what yoga is, and what is specific about Iyengar's methodology. It can be given as an individual exercise but works really well...

Section of Mentoring Manual: All

Summarise the Bhagavad Gītā

Summarise the Bhagavad Gītā

Name of contributor: Jenny-May While

The idea: For trainees with an interest in yoga philosophy from the outset. This is an effective way of ensuring that trainees become familiar with the narrative, characters and primary concepts of the text and are able to express them in simple...

Section of Mentoring Manual: All

Anatomy & Physiology Presentations

Anatomy & Physiology Presentations

Name of contributor: Jenny-May While

The idea: Many mentors seem to be using this model of setting presentations on A&P. The titles attached are from my training with Faeq Biria. They cover all topics in the Mentoring Manual. 

Section of Mentoring Manual: 5.2

Philosophy Assignments

Philosophy Assignments

Name of contributor: Jenny-May While

The idea: Write an assignment (max 1000 words), or present in some other way (e.g. audio/visual presentation), on each of the following topics (some ideas attached; mentors/trainees to create titles of relevance and interest).

Section of Mentoring Manual: 4.1, 5.3

Stick people sequencing

Stick people sequencing

Name of contributor: Jenny-May While

The idea: This exercise encourages trainees to find the fun in Vinyasa (sequencing) and to build confidence in their own creativity. It also gets them thinking about different approaches to structuring a class or practice.Make a simple ‘stick person’ sketch of each...

Section of Mentoring Manual: 4.2, 4.3


Abhi Q&A Audio Files

Name of contributor: Katie Rutherford

The idea: These audio recordings were sent to those who were registered for the beginners class (for observation) with Abhijata Iyengar.  She covers lots of different questions and worries, mainly coming from trainees and from newly qualified teachers.  Many of you are...

Section of Mentoring Manual: All


Patanjali in plain English

Name of contributor: Judith Richards

The idea: I have attempted to render the Sutras of Patanjali into simple, comprehensible English for the benefit of my trainees, by examining several different renditions of the Sutras, including 'Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali'.I offer my rendition here.

Section of Mentoring Manual: 5.3, 5.11, 5.14

Anatomy Module

Anatomy Module

Name of contributor: Debra Bartholomew

The idea: How to approach the anatomy module. I have found it really productive to give my trainees the task of presenting aspects of the anatomy module. For example, I ask them to give a talk on the knee joint or shoulder...

Section of Mentoring Manual: 5.2 Module 1 -Anatomy & Physiology


Yoga Sutras RIMYI Study Resource

Name of contributor: Kirsten Agar Ward

The idea: Learn about the Yoga Sutras from from yoga practitioners! The best resource is the IyengarYoga Official channel on YouTube. The series is called "Learning the Yoga Sutras with Clarity and Rigour". It has recordings of sessions given most weeks by...

Section of Mentoring Manual: All, 5.3

Level 1 asana spreadsheet

Level 1 asana spreadsheet

Name of contributor: Claire Ferry

The idea: A spreadsheet of all the Level 1 poses with columns to mark down important points, props, corrections, alternative poses etc. Inspired by something that was shared in the YogaSpace meeting recently, one of my trainees went off and produced it,...

Section of Mentoring Manual:

Anatomy Study Idea 2

Anatomy Study Idea 2

Name of contributor: Claire Ferry

The idea: Anatomy summary sheet #2 A second summary sheet for the trainees to go over and fill in after we'd spent a morning discussing this all together, covering organs, endocrine, digestive, excretory systems. Has a few links to some useful online...

Section of Mentoring Manual: Module 5.2 A2 Organs, A3 Endocrine System, A7 Digestive system, A8 Excretory system

Focused teaching practice

Focused teaching practice

Name of contributor: Claire Ferry

The idea: Focused teaching practice While all trainees are attending weekly classes to shadow, and over time moving from observation to demonstration to assisting to teaching, that does not start to give the idea of a feel of a class. I asked...

Section of Mentoring Manual: 5.4


Anatomy Study Idea 1

Name of contributor: Claire Ferry

The idea: I put together a summary sheet for the trainees to go over themselves to revise what we had covered in a practical session together with our model skeleton and anatomy books, which I hope covers all the points listed in...

Section of Mentoring Manual: 5.2 Part A1, 4 & 5

Fun Asana Sequencing Exercise

Fun Asana Sequencing Exercise

Name of contributor: Shaili Shafai

The idea: One exercise that we have been doing regularly, is that I ask the mentees to each suggest a level 1 asana at random, and then we take a few minutes to put them in the order of a sequence and...

Section of Mentoring Manual: Sequencing , Assignments 2 level 1 , 7.4.1


Poster on Pancakosa

Name of contributor: Kirsten Agar Ward

The idea: Prepare a poster illustrating the pancakosa. Be able to talk for a couple of minutes about your poster to explain it to someone else.

Section of Mentoring Manual: 5.2.B.1

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