Thur 7.30pm YOGA FOR MEN
Class Description:
Most of the known founders of yoga were men, however nowadays many classes seem to be made up almost entirely of women. I want to break the stigma and misconception of men practising yoga and provide everyone with a space in which they feel comfortable.
Men often have distinct physical needs in yoga – typically tight hamstrings, hips, shoulders and back. Over the years I’ve worked with hundreds of men to help target these problematic areas – these sessions are designed for men
Benefit from decades of experience, endless enthusiasm, a good sense of humour and an absolute passion for the transformative effects of yoga, from a highly qualified Iyengar yoga instructor. If you’re worried your body won’t suit yoga, think again. There is always a way to modify a pose to suit your level of fitness, strength, shape and flexibility level so that you get the same benefits as everyone else out of every pose.
Class Details:
- Day:Thursday
- Time:7:30 pm
- Duration:60 mins
- Cost:£12
- Contact Number:07427 596961
- Contact
- Website
- Location: 48 High St, Great Dunmow, Dunmow CM6 1AW, UK
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